Hi, I’m Margaret
and I'm the pivot coach

Hi, I’m Margaret and I’m The Pivot Coach!
Supporting you to pause so that you can purposely pivot
within your career
I do this by championing my clients through
my three-stage process of:
Becoming really clear about who you really are and what you really want.
Gaining insights & greater self-awareness.
Reconnecting to what energises and motivates you to generate options and to intentionally choose a path forward.
Deliberately & intentionally choosing and determining a plan.
Generating commitment, action and accountability.
Challenges you so that you can learn, develop, grow and move forward confidently.
Supporting you to pause so that you can purposely pivot within your career
I do this by championing my clients through my three-stage process of:
Becoming really clear about who you really are and what you really want.
Gaining insights & greater self-awareness.
Reconnecting to what energises and motivates you to generate options and to intentionally choose a path forward.
Deliberately & intentionally choosing and determining a plan.
Generating commitment, action and accountability.
Challenges you so that you can learn, develop, grow and move forward confidently.
Our Services
For Individuals
For Organisations
more, I would be delighted
to work with you!
MBTI Strengths profiling
assessments for individuals
or teams.
Our Services
For Individuals
My coaching and support will be intuitive, in that it will be adapted to and led by your personal needs.
For Organisations
Whether it’s one person or more,
I would be delighted to work with you!
MBTI Strengths profiling
Myers Briggs personality assessments for individuals or teams.
In working with me you can expect to….
- Feel supported and heard. I work hard to cultivate trust. I want you to feel safe and secure in sharing your innermost dreams, desires, as well as fears, insecurities and uncertainties.
- Know that I have your back, I will be your number one supporter and cheerleader.
- Challenge yourself and be open to answering tough questions honestly.
- Feel uncomfortable some of the time – change is hard but be assured the rewards are always worth it.
- Achieve your goals, be successful and advance in your career.
- Be empowered to achieve positive change, growth and action, from insights and learnings as a result of coaching.
- Gain a better balance and harmony, ensuring you are resourcing yourself practically, emotionally and restoratively.
- Experience coaching as a positive intervention – I work with people’s strengths, positive psychology and other approaches also.
Is it your time to Pivot? Book a discovery call
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